A. 5-1-24, Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes B. 5-1-24, Planning Commission Public Hearing Minutes for PC-24-16, 1115 S. Lapeer Rd. Rezone
A. PC-23-51, Dutton Park West Site Plan, Plans Date Stamped 12-13-23 Approval of Destruction of Documents B. PC-24-13, Skalnek Ford Relocation Site Plan, Plans Date Stamped 3-26-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents C. PC-23-36, Hyatt House Site Plan, Plans Date Stamped 9-5-23 Approval of Destruction of Documents D. PC-23-51, Dutton Park West Site Plan, Plans Date Stamped 3-27-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents E. PC-23-30, PTV Self Storage Site Plan, Date Stamped 11-20-23 Approval of Destruction of Documents F. PC-24-12, Orion Township Public Library Site Plan, Date Stamped 3-22-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents G. PC-23-39, 1488 S. Lapeer (Lava Mt.) Site Plan Amendment, Date Stamped 2-28-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents H. PC-23-55, Orion Commons Medical Office Major PUD Amendment Site Plan, Date Stamped 3-27-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents I. PPC-22-18, 3850 Joslyn Rd. Renovation Site Plan, Date Stamped 1-25-24 Approval of Destruction of Documents
A. PC-24-13, Skalnek Ford Relocation Wetland Permit & Site Plan, located at 84 W. Scripps Rd. (parcel #09-14-300-035), 62 W. Scripps Rd. (parcel #09-14-300-036), a vacant parcel immediately north of 62 W. Scripps (parcel #09-14-300-031), 1940 S. Lapeer Rd. (parcel #09-14-300-030), a vacant parcel immediately north of 1940 S. Lapeer Rd. (parcel #09-14- 300-029), 1900 S. Lapeer Rd. (parcel #09-14-300-028), and a vacant parcel immediately north of 1900 S. Lapeer Rd. (parcel #09-14-300-027).
A. PC-22-18, 3850 Joslyn Rd. Gas Station Site Plan, located at 3850 Joslyn Rd. (09-28-376- 031). B. PC-23-59, GM Orion BET2 Site Plan Amendment, located at 4555 Giddings Rd. (09-34- 200-006 and 09-34-400-011). C. PC-24-10, Township Initiated Text Amendment – Tree Preservation
A. Verbal Report on “Planning & Zoning Essentials” Class from Vice-Chairman Gross, Secretary St. Henry, Commissioner Walker, and Commissioner Lovat
A. 6-5-24, Public hearing at 7:05 p.m., PC-24-18, Request to Rezone a 3-Acre Parcel, located on land locked vacant parcel #09-35-200-037 (east of 67 Kay Industrial Dr.) from Recreation 2 (REC-2) to Limited Industrial (LI). B. 6-5-24, (immediately following PC-24-18 public hearing at 7:05 p.m.): PC-24-20 Iron24 Special Land Use request for an exercise establishment with extended hours (24-hours), located at 802 S. Lapeer Rd. (09-11-476-019)